

Be comfortable in the rooms that matter.

Mobile APP Control

Adjust temperature and confort settings easily from the mobile


Up in the morning, down at night. Adjust it whenever you like.

Turns itself down when you leave.

It uses your phone’s location to know you’re away.

Cost effective and saves money

Save money on your heating and cooling bills

Voice Commands

works with Amazon Alexa..

It knows when you’re away.

You're off to work

The thermostat can use your phone's location to check if you’ve left, then sets it self to an eco temperature to save energy

Integrates seamlessly with Samsung SmartThings, IFTTT, Wink and more.

Our products

About Moniclouds

Moniclouds is a brand by Dynseguridad LLC

Phone: 305 400 8923

Phone: 305 280 2164


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